Will you not revive us again so that your people may rejoice in you? —Psalm 85:6
Few people today have ever witnessed revival and spiritual awakening on such a magnificent scale as was experienced in Wales in 1904, but there is a growing sense of longing and desperation among many believers to see God “do it again”! I believe that the God of the Scripture, the God who displayed His glory in the great awakenings of the past, is the same God we worship today. He has not changed. He is no less able to turn the heart of a nation today than He was one hundred years ago!
All the social and political evils that threaten to be the undoing of our world today, all the false religions that vie for the allegiance of men— these are no match for our God. He is willing— yes, eager—to manifest Himself and His saving grace to this lost, prodigal planet. But first we must have a revived church. And a revived church consists of revived individuals.
Seeking Him: Experiencing the Joy of Personal Revival
©2009 Life Action Ministries
Scripture taken from The CSB
Make it Personal
Thank God that He is the same today as He has always been. Ask Him to bring revival in your church, and your own heart.