Daily Reflections

Broken Beginnings

January 27, 2025 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Search me, God, and know my heart. —Psalm 139:23

Dr. C. L. Culpepper was director of a mission in the Shantung province of China in the late 1920s. One night, he felt pressed to ask God, “What is it in me?” He sensed a spiritual need and dryness in his life but couldn’t put his finger on the issue.

The next morning, he met with fellow missionar- ies and confessed his sin of spiritual pretense, which God had exposed to him. Dr. Culpepper acknowledged that others’ praise of him as a “good missionary” had caused him to be proud and to steal glory from God.

Out of his confession arose such widespread brokenness throughout the national Christian leadership that the entire province was soon under the sweeping avalanche of the Spirit’s conviction. The resulting Shantung Revival deeply impacted the spiritual landscape of China.

The most dramatic revival movements in history have typically begun with a handful of humble-hearted believers. Have you been waiting for your mate, children, or church leaders to get right with God? He may be waiting for your brokenness to provoke the brokenness of those around you.


The Quiet Place: Daily Devotional Readings

©2012 Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

Ask God for a fresh work of the Spirit in your life and for grace to respond in true brokenness and humility.