Incomparable50 Days with Jesus

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Whatever you think about Jesus, He is more—incomparably more.

It’s a question every one of us must eventually answer: Who do you say Jesus is? There is simply no escaping it. And whatever your answer, it carries serious implications for your life and future. So it needs to be based on more than mere conjecture or common knowledge. It needs to contain more than just Christian-sounding vocabulary.

Your answer needs to be based in truth. Truth that has been revealed to us. Truth that has stood the test of time and hate and derision and all the troubles endured by humankind, yet has continued to point to only one reasonable conclusion: Jesus is incomparable.
~Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth


Related Podcast Season

Nancy teaches "Incomparable" on the person and work of Christ. May you come to know, love, trust, follow, and reflect Christ in a greater way.

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About the Author

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth has touched the lives of millions of women through two nationally syndicated radio programs heard each day—Revive Our Hearts and Seeking Him. Her books have sold more than five million copies. Through her writing, podcasts, … read more …


  • When I started reading Nancy’s "Incomparable," my first thought was to wonder if there was anything new here, anything I hadn’t heard or carefully considered after a lifetime of knowing Jesus. From the first page, this book has brought me to a brand-new place of realizing how much I needed a fresh look at Him. How much I needed to consider, then re-consider, the wonder of Jesus. The Man. The Lord. God’s only Son . . . and my risen Savior. "Incomparable" does exactly this. I love it. Thank you, Nancy.”

    Robert Wolgemuth, author and Nancy's husband
  • I’ve never really thought much about Jesus as a boy, that He was poor, how He was once a student before a teacher, a server before a leader, how His gap years were foundational for His ministry years. To really think about His humanity, to linger there, well, it infuses my heart with hope; it renews the mystery of it all; it ignites my heart to sing. There truly is none like Him. Such an amazing book. So much truth.

    Becky Otto

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