Confessions of a Boy-Crazy GirlOn Her Journey from Neediness to Freedom

Paula Marsteller

Over the years, my "cute, innocent crushes" became more and more frequent—and more and more costly. When I tried to fix myself, it was like slapping a flimsy Band-Aid on a deep, gaping wound. Then I prayed a desperate prayer: that God would free me from my idols and teach me to trust Him with my love life.

About the Author

Paula Marsteller

Paula Marsteller

Paula Marsteller is a gifted communicator with a tenacious commitment to Scripture coupled with a compassionate, loving voice. God has captured Paula’s heart, and she is passionate about sharing life-changing, gospel truths through the lens of her everyday, ordinary life … read more …


  • Paula will make you laugh; she will make you cry; she will make you think. And she will point you to the only true Satisfaction for a heart that longs to be chosen and cherished.

    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth – author & speaker
  • Had someone put this book in my hands back then, who knows the heartaches I could've avoided. This is a must-read for today's young women!

    Joni Eareckson Tada – Founder of Joni and Friends)
  • If you want off the roller coaster ride of romance, this book is your ticket. In a style that feels like a great conversation with a good friend, Paula gives us front row seats to her up-and-down ride of love and then teaches us that there is a better way.

    Erin Davis – author & speaker
  • With refreshing transparency, Paula invites the reader into her struggles with image, beauty, insecurity, lust, and of course—guys! Paula comes alongside the reader as a friend and opens her heart to tell her story. She doesn't run from the tough questions, but uses Scripture to grapple with the heart issues.

    Kimberly Wagner – author
  • Paula allows us to take a peek into her life through stories, transparent journal entries, and God's guidance along the way. She's relatable, humorous, practical, and just plain real.

    Trillia Newbell – author