Maria's Surrender: Part 2

If you’re just joining us, read “Maria’s Surrender: Part 1” before jumping into the second half of her letter:

My life verse for this season is 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. I am consciously, intentionally trying to live each verse throughout each day, by God's grace:

"Rejoice always." Always, and for everything . . . the loneliness, the feelings of uselessness, the opportunity to serve my husband (regardless of whether we're alike or not); for the benefits of knowing Jesus now and for eternity; rejoice that I can see, hear, smell, breathe. You get the idea.

"Pray without ceasing." Pray for the people I hear about on the news; for our nation and leaders; ministries seeking to proclaim Christ; for unnamed children on a playground or school bus; for God's grace, wisdom, courage, comfort, provision, and protection for anyone HE brings to mind; cast almost every thought up to the Father in prayer; breathe in the Word, exhale in prayer. On my knees all day??? Not a chance. Pray like breathing.

"In everything give thanks." With every step, give thanks. Thank Him that, unlike Joni Tada, I can walk myself into the bathroom in the middle of the night if I need to; that I can pour a cup of coffee by myself; that I’m able to wash dishes and do laundry and be available to watch grandkids in order to give my oldest daughter a break. Thank Him for the long, lonely days, and endless hours. Thank Him for being "available" to my husband, his elderly and ill mother, my children, for waiting on the Lord to lead.

One day while looking at my keys, the Lord walked me through each key and what it represented in blessings, all that I just took for granted as I grabbed the keys to "go." If I were not "waiting" on the Lord, I don't think I'd have ever given those keys a second thought, past "where are they?".

"For this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." Right now. Today. As is. Alone, no ministry, “no purpose in life" . . . God is in control and this is God's will for me. I am not knowingly rebelling against the Lord, nor is there any known sin in my life that I'm unwilling to deal with. This is it. Me and God, and He is enough. So, rejoice, pray, give thanks . . . This is God's will for me. Do I have desires? Yes. Do I have God-given abilities? Yes. Has God provided opportunity to use them right now? No. So, I wait on the Lord, rejoice, pray, and give thanks . . . and actually mean it now.

"Rejoicing in hope" (Romans 12:12),

Mrs. Johnson

What’s the “flavor” of your surrender? Are you actively trusting God as Maria describes above (rejoicing, praying, giving thanks), or are you passively, grumpily “letting God have his way”?

About the Author

Paula Marsteller

Paula Marsteller

Paula Marsteller is a gifted communicator with a tenacious commitment to Scripture coupled with a compassionate, loving voice. God has captured Paula’s heart, and she is passionate about sharing life-changing, gospel truths through the lens of her everyday, ordinary life … read more …

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