Articles, Resources, and More . . . Oh My! (11/20/15)

Turn Your Holiday Dread into Deliverance

Tammie Head illustrates how God works to bring joy into even the hardest holiday seasons.

I Need Christmas This Year

It's not Thanksgiving yet, but I thought this was helpful. Turkey, tinsel, cookies, and presents are fun, but they're not what we need most. We need the hope—in the form of a newborn baby—that the celebration of Christmas brings to this broken world.

13 Practical Steps to Kill Sin

Does one of these steps John Piper derives from Scripture strike you as particularly needed in your struggle with sin? Ask for God's grace to apply it and believe it.

Making Jesus Central in Your Family's Life (HT: Challies)

While everyone's family practice will be different, I thought some of these points were helpful to all of us, regardless of stage, as we seek to see the reality of Jesus at every turn of our day.

A Call for Christian Extremists

"So Christian, with zealotry on every heart and in every mind today, perhaps this is a time to ask about your own level of extremism. Are you eager to do good for others? Is this what motivates you? Is this the natural expression of your faith in Jesus Christ? Could it be said that you are a good works zealot? God calls you to nothing less."

About the Author

Lindsay Swartz

Lindsay Swartz

Lindsay Swartz serves at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) as the managing editor of content. She completed her Master of Divinity at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and currently makes her home in Nashville, Tennessee, where she loves … read more …

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