Articles, Resources, and More . . . Oh My! (10/02/15)

5 Ways to Critique Without Crushing

As one who is more prone to find what's wrong rather than what's right, I need these reminders often.

Know Your Rights as a Christian in a Public School

My friend Joe Carter is the best at compiling helpful information on a variety of subjects. Here's one that may be of use to those with kids in public school.

How to Avoid Ministry Burnout

I wouldn't characterize every instance of ministry burnout as sin or as resulting from the sin that this author discusses, but this is helpful for those of us who are prone to relying on our flesh as we serve.

Do You Despise Him?

My friend, Kelly, gives us six ways despising God might show up in our lives. May He give us grace to recognize and repent of them.

Beautifully Mediocre

Shannon Wexelberg: "Perhaps just being willing to . . . do whatever it is we feel will expose our weak underbellies . . . maybe that's where our meager offering and the miraculously ordinary collide and become something more than we imagined."

About the Author

Lindsay Swartz

Lindsay Swartz

Lindsay Swartz serves at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) as the managing editor of content. She completed her Master of Divinity at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and currently makes her home in Nashville, Tennessee, where she loves … read more …

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