General Information

Does the conference include a teen track, breakouts, or a preconference session?

Attendees may choose from two preconference options that will be held Thursday, October 2, from 1–4:30 p.m. These events require a separate ticket.

All conference attendees will have the opportunity to sign up for two breakout sessions during your conference registration. Breakouts are scheduled to be held Friday afternoon. See the breakout titles and descriptions.

The True You team will host a breakout session for teens that will run throughout the duration of both breakout session time slots on Friday. This session is specially designed for young women in grades 9–12. Your teen(s) will love the worship, teaching, games, and fun during this special session. 

What time zone is Indianapolis in?

Indianapolis is in the Eastern Standard Time zone (EST).

Is there reserved seating at the conference?

This is a general seating event, so there is no reserved seating for individuals or groups. Only those serving as volunteers will be permitted to reserve a seat. All personal belongings need to be removed at session breaks. The room will be cleaned, and all items left behind will be removed.

What should I wear?

Dress comfortably. We strongly recommend bringing a sweater or light jacket because the Convention Center and other rooms tend to be cool. We also suggest you wear comfortable shoes for walking in the Convention Center and to/from your hotel.

What should I bring?

Bring your friends! You will also likely want the following items:

  • A Bible and a pen
  • Layered clothing or a comfy jacket (the Convention Center is cool)
  • Light snacks to munch on during breaks.

What restaurants are in the downtown Indianapolis area?

Check out the Conference Center’s dining guide.
Check out Visit Indy's restaurant page.
Download a map of local restaurants.

Will meals be provided?

Meals are not provided. There are a few food areas inside the convention center and many restaurants within walking distance. You are welcome to bring snacks to munch on during the sessions.

Is childcare available at the conference?

We love children! However, to help you and others fully participate in the conference, and due to the nature of long conference days, we ask that you make arrangements to leave children at home for these three focused days. Limited accommodations will be available for nursing mothers.

Does the Convention Center facility accommodate persons with special needs? Are wheelchairs available on-site?

We will have designated seating areas for wheelchairs and for those who need access to the closed-captioning service. Please indicate this need as you register to help us plan appropriately to meet these needs.

Convention Center entrances are fully accessible and power-assisted doors will ease your movement in and out of the facility. Individuals with special needs may be dropped off and/or picked up on the north side of the Convention Center under the Maryland Street canopy.

Wheelchair requests (for use inside the facility) are available on a first-come, first-served basis at the First Aid Office or by contacting the Convention Center security department at 317-262-3350.

Parking is available in surrounding lots and garages. Metered on-street parking spaces for disabled surround the facility. Spaces are marked accordingly along with spaces designated for van access only. This is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Assistive animals are also welcome in the Convention Center.

Visit the Convention Center’s Special Needs page for a comprehensive summary of services they provide.

Will there be any foreign language interpretation at the conference? And is there a charge?

Yes, we will have Spanish (brought to you by Portavoz) and Portuguese interpretation available in the main conference room (Thursday evening, Friday, and Saturday). Indicate this need as you register, so we can plan for the correct number of listening devices. You will receive an email in August to confirm your reservation.

Pick up a listening device at the True Woman Information Desk. You will need a debit or credit card which will be charged a deposit of $25. This will be refunded when you return your device undamaged.

What time will the Resource Center & Exhibit Hall open?

Thursday – Opens at noon and closes at 10:30 p.m.

Friday – Opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 10:30 p.m.

Saturday – Opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 1 p.m.

Is there an app for the conference?

Yes, gain instant access to speaker and vendor information, handy maps, and informational notices during the conference with the True Woman ’25 app (available fall 2025).

Can I volunteer at True Woman ’25?

Yes, we have a limited number of volunteer positions available. For more information, click here.

Are men allowed to attend True Woman ’25?

True Woman conferences are designed for women and ticketed as such. A limited number of men may be needed to help behind the scenes in various areas throughout the weekend, such as setup, tear down, etc. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, we ask that you submit a volunteer application. Men may also serve by being part of a special group of praying men who intercede in a designated prayer room throughout the conference days.

If you or someone you know is interested in participating as an on-site intercessor, please contact us at

How can I exhibit at the conference?

A limited number of exhibit spaces are available; there is a cost for exhibitors to participate. Exhibitors are considered on a variety of criteria, such as connectedness to the conference theme. Check back soon for more information.

What if my question is not listed here?

Live chat or email us We are happy to assist you.

How can I pray for True Woman ’25?

We’ve seen God do amazing things at True Woman conferences through prayer. You can start praying right now for God to draw women to attend and to move in many hearts during the conference. We will also send “heart prep” emails to all conference participants prior to the conference with specific suggestions about how to pray.

Hotels & Travel

Where can I stay while attending the conference?

Book your hotel room online, with special True Woman group rates coming. An email will be sent to registrants when the hotels blocks are open.

Here is a map of the downtown hotels.

Where can I park in Indianapolis?

True Woman has special parking rates available through Gate Ten Events. Check back for more information.

There are more than 70,000 parking spaces in downtown Indianapolis. Here is a map showing some of the parking locations. Be sure to check the cost and hours of operation.

What are directions for driving to downtown Indianapolis?

Here is a helpful map for driving directions in downtown Indianapolis.

Is there transportation from the airport to the downtown hotels?

Find a list of transportation and car rental options here.


Will True Woman ’25 be livestreamed?

Yes! Get all the details and register at We will email you closer to the event with your login information.

If you are unable to join us during the scheduled livestream, each True Woman ’25 plenary session will be posted on a password protected site approximately twelve hours after the session finishes. The videos will be available to watch through Dec. 31, 2025.

If you join the livestream in progress and wish to see it from the beginning of that session, put your cursor on the play bar and drag it left to the beginning of the session.

Livestream will also be able in Spanish and Portuguese.

What’s the best way to watch the livestream if I live in a different time zone?

1. Watch it live and start when the stream starts (Adjust the time for your time zone; stream times are listed in Eastern Daylight Time).

2. Join late. You can join the stream while it is still in process and then will need to drag the playback to the beginning. However, if you refresh your page and that session is over, you will lose your stream for that session.

3. Watch the video from the archives pages. The archive of each session should be available within twelve hours after each session is complete.

Are there group rates available for the livestream?

Discounted tickets are available for small groups of seven to twenty-five and large groups of twenty-six or more. Please choose the applicable option on the registration form when purchasing your tickets. If you have additional questions, contact Ministry Services.

Can I cancel my livestream ticket?

Sorry, the livestream ticket is non-refundable.

Can I listen to the messages after the event?

Both the in-person ticket and the livestream ticket includes streaming access to all sessions from the main conference room through December 31, 2025.

How do I watch the livestream from a different time zone?

If you are planning to watch the True Woman '25 while the sessions are ongoing, the stream is best viewed live. If you are within a time zone or two of the conference, we suggest you adjust your start time to align with the conference schedule. 
Should you log on for a session late, you may "rewind" back to the beginning of the session and begin to watch. However, when the live session is over, you will likely lose your connection as the livestream is processed and posted as a recording. 

Once a livestream session has ended, the recording is typically available at within four hours. As each session is loaded onto the site as a recording, you may watch them at your leisure. 
If you are several time zones away from Eastern time and plan to watch the sessions the weekend of the conference, you may want to consider delaying your watching schedule by one segment. For example, on Friday morning, watch the Thursday evening session. On Friday afternoon, watch the Friday morning session, and so on.

Tickets / Pricing / Registration

Does the conference include a teen track, breakouts, or a preconference session?

Attendees may choose from two preconference options that will be held Thursday, October 2, from 1–4:30 p.m. These events require a separate ticket.

All conference attendees will have the opportunity to sign up for two breakout sessions during your conference registration. Breakouts are scheduled to be held Friday afternoon. See the breakout titles and descriptions.

The True You team will host a breakout session for teens that will run throughout the duration of both breakout session time slots on Friday. This session is specially designed for young women in grades 9–12. Your teen(s) will love the worship, teaching, games, and fun during this special session. 

Are group discounts available for the live event?

Yes. If you have a group of ten or more, please contact Ministry Services for information. This discount applies only to the main event ticket.

Phone: 800-569-5959 | Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Eastern


Can I register more than one person?

Yes, but you will need to do the registrations individually. Make sure you have each person’s name, address, and email, along with the breakout session they want to attend. Go to the registration page for more information.

How much do volunteers pay to attend the conference?

Volunteer registrations are $80 as our way of saying “thank you.” Spots are limited.

Are scholarships available for pastors' wives?

 This year we are able to offer pastors’ wives a special discounted ticket for $99.

How much does the conference cost?

Check out the registration page for pricing information for the in-person conference, livestream, Spanish livestream and Portuguese livestream.

What if I register and for some reason can’t come? Can I get a refund?

The registration fee is non-refundable. If you cannot attend, you may transfer your registration to someone else. Please contact ministry services at 1-800-569-5959 or and let us know the name of the person who will be using your ticket. That individual will need to attend the breakout session selected by the original purchaser.

How do I transfer my ticket?

While tickets are not refundable, you may sell or give/transfer your ticket to another woman. Please note the following details:

  1. You may transfer your purchased ticket to someone else with the following exceptions.
    • Pastor’s wife ticket may only be transferred provided that the person receiving the ticket meets the ticket’s qualification.
    • Specialty tickets such as Monthly Partner or volunteer tickets are not transferable or refundable.
  2. All ticket transfers/resells will be transacted between the individual parties, but we do require that the seller/giver contact Revive Our Hearts at 1-800-569-5959 to provide the name, address, email (and phone if you have it) of the person receiving the ticket.
  3. Breakout sessions cannot be changed. It is important that the receiver of the transferred ticket understands she will need to plan to attend the pre-selected breakout session chosen by the original ticket purchaser.
  4. Forward the original email confirmation to the purchaser so she will have proof of transfer.
  5. All tickets will be picked up at the conference. Since we will make the change on the registration to reflect the new attendees name on the ticket, it is important to let us know as soon as possible.
  6. Contact us at 1-800-569-5959 or with questions.

If I am a Revive Partner, how do I register for my complimentary ticket?

Please email us to receive a Revive Partner code so you can register for your complimentary ticket online. (Please note that a Revive Partner is defined as someone who gives $30 or more per month to the ministry. Additionally, your complimentary ticket is not transferable.)

When will I receive my tickets?

Personalized lanyards will be provided for each attendee. They’ll list the breakout sessions the attendee chose during registration, the event’s schedule, and a place to write the attendee’s name. These will not be mailed in advance.

Check in and pick up your lanyard at the Georgia Street Lobby near Halls J-K at the Convention Center.

Wed: TBD

Thur: 8:00 a.m.– beginning of the conference

Bring a copy of your confirmation email (printed or on your phone) including the QR code given at the time you registered, and we will have your ticket/lanyard for you! Register early as there are thousands of women who will be checking in and you won’t want to miss any of the conference.

Can I cancel my livestream ticket?

Sorry, the livestream ticket is non-refundable.

Can I listen to messages after the event?

Both the in-person ticket and the livestream ticket includes streaming access to all sessions from the main conference room through December 31, 2025.


How will I know if I am accepted as a volunteer?

After you submit your application to serve, it will be reviewed. We will respond to your application within a week to confirm your acceptance. We prayerfully consider each application. Please keep in mind that we consider and place volunteers based on a variety of criteria, including application submission date, previous experience with True Woman Conferences, and available registrations.

How much do volunteers pay to attend the conference?

Volunteers receive a discounted ticket price of $80 as our way of saying “thank you.” Spots are limited.

Do I have to volunteer the entire time?

We rely heavily on our volunteers to serve with our team the entire time of the conference. We couldn’t do it without them!

Can I choose what area I’d like to volunteer in?

Yes, you may select your first, second, and third choices from the drop down menu on the Volunteer Application

In what areas are volunteers needed?

Greeters welcome attendees with a smile, answer questions, give directions, check for name tags as they enter sessions, and go out of their way to meet the needs of the women attending. 

Ushers help attendees find seats, alert staff of any medical or security emergencies, collect the offering, answer questions, assist those with wheelchairs or strollers, etc.

Prayer Partners are available throughout the conference to pray with attendees and assist with additional responsibilities as needed and alert staff if an emergency counseling situation arises.

The Resource Center is where our exhibitors and bookstore is located. We need volunteers to assist with the checkout process, bag resources, direct traffic flow, help women find resources, answer questions, and restock products as needed.

The Registration desk is where we will welcome and check in each one of the attendees when they first arrive. For this we will need volunteers who are proficient with using an iPad to scan the attendee code and register them. 

Information Desk is the central hub where attendees will come with questions. We need volunteers that are detail-oriented and good communicators. Additional responsibilities include managing lost and found items and handing out Spanish headsets.

When will volunteers know their assignments?

After you’ve been accepted to serve, we will email you approximately one to two months prior to the conference with your volunteer assignment. We do recommend that you print or save all volunteer emails and attachments we send.

Are there any meetings or training for volunteers?

Yes! Volunteers have a mandatory meeting and training time on Thursday, October 2, at 10 a.m. in the Indiana Convention Center. (The exact room location will be announced later.)

What if I cannot attend the mandatory meeting?

If you are unable to attend the volunteer meeting on Thursday, October 2, at 10 a.m., please let us know in advance. We will do our best to get you up to speed in your assigned area as soon as you arrive on site for the conference.

Am I responsible for parking, hotel, travel, and meal expenses?

You are responsible for all expenses related to your trip. You will receive a discounted registration.

Are volunteers allowed to save seats?

Volunteers will receive one reserved seat sign to reserve their seat throughout the weekend. You will also have early access to sessions to select your seat. This privilege is only for volunteers.

Will I get to be with my church group during the conference?

We’re not able to promise that you’ll be able to spend uninterrupted time with your church group, family, or friends. But as a volunteer, you’ll meet a lot of new friends during the weekend.

Will I miss the conference if I volunteer?

Our desire is for you to participate in as much of the conference as possible. However, your responsibilities may require you to miss the beginning and/or end of some of the sessions.

What do volunteers do about food?

Volunteers are on their own for meals. Concession stands will be available in the Convention Center and downtown Indy has some great restaurants within walking distance.

Some of the busiest times for volunteers are over the meal breaks and your time to eat is often cut short. We recommend that you plan ahead by bringing snacks, utilizing mobile ordering to beat the crowds, and teaming up with other volunteers to help each other out.

What if I have to cancel?

Let us know as soon as possible so we can work to get someone to cover your area of service.

Can men serve as volunteers?

A limited number of men may be needed to help behind the scenes in various areas throughout the weekend, such as setup, tear down, etc. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, we ask that you submit a volunteer application

How do I find out about the on-site Men’s Prayer Team?

At each True Woman Conference, we have a special group of praying men who intercede in a designated prayer room throughout the conference days. These men pray through the conference prayer cards (filled out during the weekend), and ask the Lord to work mightily in the lives of the women attending. If you or someone you know is interested in participating as an on-site intercessor, please contact us at

What if my volunteer question is not listed here?

Email us at We are eager to assist you.