
Watch the drama that accompanies this session: Wise Woman Bake Off

Mary Kassian: The amount of rain that Hurricane Harvey dumped on Houston was unprecedented. It was so scary watching the news. We kept texting friends and family to make sure that they were doing all right and that their homes were all right.

My daughter-in-law is from Houston, and she was in constant contact with her mom whose neighborhood had to be evacuated because the waters were threatening.

My sister-in-law lives in Houston and has a bayou in the backyard and was watching nervously as the flood waters reached the very top, the brink of the bayou and were worried that they would have to leave their home.

In the end, both their homes escaped damage, but other people in Houston weren’t so fortunate. Rushing flood waters claimed the lives of dozens and destroyed tens of thousands of homes. And the dangers didn’t end when the storms passed.

Experts repeatedly warned people about the dangers of the murky-colored flood water that the storm had left behind. Residents were told that besides the dirt and the debris floating around, the water was contaminated with human waste, that it contained E-coli and viruses and toxic chemicals and pollutants and all sorts of nasty microbes.

It wasn’t long before hospitals in Houston were inundated with patients with staph infections and skin infections and respiratory infections and stomach illnesses. One man almost lost his life when a cut in his leg got infected …
