Resources by Topic Women's Ministry

Revive Our Hearts desires to be a resource for you as you seek to impact the women in your life for the kingdom. Find tools you can use for small group studies, discipleship, and women’s ministry in the local church.

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What Is a Leader?

Learn the qualities and characteristics that define a leader, and be encouraged that leadership is process of continual growth.

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Resolutions for Godly Living

Jonathan Edward understood the importance of being purposeful. Here are 70 resolutions he wrote before he was twenty years old.

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Personal Hedges

Practical cautions for Christian women to help safeguard our hearts and the marriages of the men around us.

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How's Your Love Life?

Take this "love test," a spiritual inventory based on 1 Corinthians 13, to determine specific areas of need in your life.

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The Men Speak Out

Men respond to the question: How can women affirm and encourage them to express godly masculinity in the home and church?

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Encouraging One Another

In a world where so many people are sad, lonely, and hurting, God wants to use you to communicate His heart and minister grace to others.

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Regaining Womanhood

What would happen if a remnant of women were willing to embrace God’s priorities and purpose for their lives and live out the beauty and wonder of womanhood?

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Stop, I Want to Get Off!

We can manifest the same spirit as Jesus did when facing pressure if we’re willing make His number one priority ours as well.