Seeking Him Podcast

Woman: I ate what I wanted, whenever I wanted, in whatever quantities I wanted. I felt like to say ‘no’ would be a punishment.

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Have you ever wondered why food is such an issue with so many women? I think it may have something to do with Genesis 3. After all, if you think about it, what was the first sin? Overeating.

The single restriction God put on Eve’s diet was too much for her. So like a lot of us, she “ate whatever she wanted.”

Woman: I gained sixty-five pounds. I wanted to be free to have whatever I wanted, but I just felt like I was in bondage to food.

Nancy: God’s ways are always best, and we’re free to enjoy Him when we’re not enslaved to our own appetites.

More important than any diet or weight-loss program, we need to learn to find our greatest satisfaction and delight in knowing and walking with God. That’s when we’ll experience true freedom.

With Seeking Him, I'm Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.

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About the Teacher

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth has touched the lives of millions of women through two nationally syndicated radio programs heard each day—Revive Our Hearts and Seeking Him. Her books have sold more than five million copies. Through her writing, podcasts, … read more …