Daily Reflections

Crying Out to God

May 7, 2024 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray . . . then I will hear from heaven.” —2 Chronicles 7:14 ESV

One of the greatest roles in which God has used women as instruments of revival is in the matter of prayer. In 1949–1951 God used two sisters, Peggy and Christine Smith, in the Lewis Revival in Scotland.

Both women were in their eighties. Peggy was blind, and Christine was crippled with arthritis. They couldn’t leave their cottage. But they knew how to pray. God used their prayers to plant seeds of longing in the hearts of men who then began to pray for revival. God sent a great spiritual awakening in response to the earnest prayers of these two obscure women.

As I read reports of violence and perversion, as I receive letters from women whose family members are far from God, as I look at the backslidden condition of so many churches and homes, I wonder where are the praying women who are carrying these burdens on their knees and crying out to God for mercy and divine intervention?


Portrait of a Woman Used by God: Lessons from the Life of Mary of Nazareth ©2016 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Scripture taken from The ESV

Make it Personal

Take time today, and every day, to cry out to God on behalf of your family, your community, and your world.