Daily Reflections

Are You Self- Controlled?

février 3, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. —Galatians 5:25

As you think about the issue of self-control, consider these questions:

  • Do you have any recurring, besetting sinful habits or areas of life where you’re not free?

  • Are you addicted to anything that’s not holy, healthy, or wholesome?

  • Do you exercise self-control with your words, moods, and emotions?

  • Are you self-controlled with what you eat, drink, and how you treat your body?

  • Are you self-controlled with your time, entertainment, hobbies, and habits?

  • Are you self-controlled with your spending?

  • Are you self-controlled sexually? Do you possess your body in honor and purity (1 Thess. 4:3–4)?

In whatever parts of life you see a lack of self-control, name them to the Lord. Confess that these areas are not under His control but rather they are controlling you. Then pray, “Lord, by Your power, promises, and grace I surrender that area of my life—and every area—to the control of Your Holy Spirit.”

Make it Personal

As you answered the questions above, were there any areas where the Lord spoke to your heart about the need for more self-control?