
Erin Davis: I’m headed to California today to be with Kesha and her church. I woke up to a little bit of a surprise . . . snow! Starting the day and snow and ending the day in California hopefully in the sun.

Kesha Griffin knows a lot about the power of hospitality. As a child her father came and went and did some jail time. Kesha felt a deep sense of hurt from his broken promises. But then, Kesah experienced the power of forgiveness.

Nancy (on air): We all need to be forgiven and we need to realize how much we need to forgive.

Erin: Kesha had been forgiven, so she sought to forgive her father.

Nancy (on air): The alternative to becoming bitter is to receive the grace God wants to give you to be released from that circumstance.

Erin: She invited her father to the church where her husband, Charles, is the pastor, and . . . she invited him into their home.

That’s not the only powerful story of hospitality that Kesha and her church have to tell. I’m headed to LA to learn more.


When your hurts are too much to bear,
I can’t make it disappear,
But I know how to weep with those who weep.

Kesha Griffin: What is the church community? What are we to do. The calling to biblical hospitality is who we are. It’s what we do.


Laugh a laugh and cry a tear.
Say "yes" to trust …