Daily Reflections

Why Me?

décembre 12, 2020 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

“He has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed.” —Luke 1:48

The Song of Solomon tells the story of a king who goes into the countryside to search for a bride where he comes across a young woman toiling in her family’s vineyard. Her beauty is raw and unpretentious, not polished.

How can it be that this is the woman a king would desire for his wife? You can sense her asking, “Why me?” No answer is given, except that he loves her.

You can hear some of this same emotion in the words of Mary. She, too, was an ordinary young woman. Yet watch what happened. “God looked on the humble estate of his servant.” He shook this young girl’s world one day, and everything changed. From that point forward, she said “all generations will call me blessed.” Her relationship with Jesus gave her life genuine significance.

Having a relationship with the God of heaven makes any life extraordinary. Mary’s experience of amazement can be yours as well when the Lord is with you and within you.

Make it Personal

Ask God to make your life extraordinary so that your relationship with Him shines brightly to those around you.